Publikationen BEYOND SITE/SIGHT som jag är redaktör för tillsammans med Ida de Wit Sandström, Cecilia Fredriksson, Jörgen Dahlqvist och Robert Willim, samt som jag har formgivit, publicerades under den vetenskapliga konferensen BEYOND SITE/SIGHT.

Konferensen ordnades av CROCUS – ett tvärdisciplinärt forskningsnätverk på Lunds universitet som jag är koordinator för. Under konferensens diskuterade vi kulturens rum och villkoren för kreativitet, placemaking, kreativa metoder, kropp och materialitet, policy och praktik, utbildning och gränsöverskridande utbildningssamarbeten i paneler och presentationer och genom verk i utställningen.

I samband med konferensfick deltagare möjlighet att reflektera över plats och placemaking i relation till sin egen praktik. Delar av reflektionerna publicerades i publikationen Beyond Site/Sight.

As textile designer and researcher, using the sense of place as a starting point is an interesting aspect. Relating to my work, this may differ in relation to specific project, as well as the place. Sometimes I start in the later, building on which scenarios or narratives that can be perceived or understood. Sometimes I start in the aspect of materiality, exploring the space through dimensions and qualities of materials.

What impacts does a material have on a place? How does materiality relate to body and space, and how does the three interact? How can one alter the perception or experience of a place depending on artefacts’ tactility and visuality, trough exploring shape, colour and structure? I am interested in how places can be co-created through adding new materials. Something that I have explored through co-created textile art installations in the urban space, where I have constructed frameworks which I have invited participants to take part in, as well as that I have studied craftivism – activism through textile materials and textile techniques, looking at the role of materiality has in this type of activism.
– Marie Ledendal, Lund University

Utdrag ur publikationen BEYOND SITE/SIGHT

Dahlqvist, J., de Witt Sandström, I., Fredriksson, C., Ledendal, M. & Willim, R.  (2024). (Eds.) CROCUS conference BEYOND SITE/SIGHT, Lund: Media-Tryck.